All systems grow and thrive on feedback. Grafe Auction marketing campaigns are built on this principle.

Beginning with a solid marketing foundation continuously refined since 1959, each marketing campaign evolves based on feedback and responses so by auction day we are confident that your marketing investment has been maximized for the highest possible yield of bidders and buyers.

Our marketing team led by John Schultz is on the cutting edge of marketing. John wrote and now teaches the premier auction marketing designation course, Auction Marketing Management. Annually over one hundred auction marketers from around the world travel to learn the latest techniques in auction marketing from John. Other companies may claim to understand auction marketing, but only John and two others in the world are certified to teach the course.

The Grafe Auction marketing team is uniquely qualified to create and execute on an aggressive and forward-leaning campaign that will notify all interested parties, locally, regionally and nationally; and produce ready, willing and able bidders who after a competitive and transparent process result in high bids that meet and exceed expectations for all sides.